The Importance of Preventative Care for Older Adults

Preventative care is an important part of healthcare that identifies and addresses potential health problems. This is especially important for older adults 65 years old and up. By using preventative care, many older adults find that they enjoy a higher quality of life. Let’s take a look at the importance of preventative care for older adults. 

What is preventative care?

Preventative care for older adults are important steps that you can take to maintain your health and well-being. This is done by detecting and preventing potential health issues before they become serious. It is important for older adults to prioritize preventive care and to work with their healthcare providers to develop a plan for maintaining their health and well-being. 

Early Detection of Chronic Diseases

One of the primary benefits of preventive care is the early detection and treatment of chronic diseases. Many chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and different types of cancer, like colorectal cancer and breast cancer, can be managed effectively if caught early on. This can help prevent the progression of diseases and reduce the risk of complications. 

It important that you are familiar with your family history of risk factors. This will help your healthcare provider determine what tests are needed for preventative care. 

Improved Quality of Life

By identifying and addressing health issues early on, older adults can maintain their independence and continue to live active and fulfilling lives. This will help improve your quality of life. 

It can also help reduce the burden of healthcare costs. This is because early treatment of chronic conditions is often less expensive than treating advanced stages of the same conditions. 

Positive Impact on Mental Health

Another benefit of preventative care is its positive impact on your mental health. Getting regular check-ups and screenings helps provide a sense of reassurance and can help alleviate any concerns you may have about your health. 

What types of preventative care screenings should I get?

There are several different types of preventive health care screenings that you should get. Let’s take a look at the most common ones. 

Regular Physical Exams

The first step is getting regular physical exams with your doctor. These exams help identify any potential health problems. Your doctor can also advise on recommended screenings for your age and health history. 

Dental Care

Another great way to seek preventative care is by getting regular dental checkups and cleanings. Many do not realize that your teeth play a huge part in your overall health. Poor oral hygiene can directly affect your heart and cause many issues with your health. 

Vision and Hearing Screenings

Another preventive service you should consider is vision and hearing screenings. These screenings help detect any vision or hearing loss which can significantly impact your quality of life. Your doctor may be able to conduct one or both of these screenings in their office. 

Cancer Screenings

Older adults are at an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as colon, breast, and prostate cancers. Regular screenings help detect these cancers at an early stage when they are most treatable. 

Medication Management

It is common for older adults to be taking multiple medications. It is important to ensure that these medications are being taken correctly and that they do not interact with other medications in a harmful way. A healthcare provider can help you manage your medication regimens to ensure optimal health. 

It is important to consider preventative care when you are an older adult. This will help you maintain good overall health and quality of life. By proactively addressing any potential health issues, you can manage your health conditions and reduce your risk of developing new ones. 

We Want to Help You!

At Greenbrook Medical, we believe that every senior citizen should be cared for and treated with respect. That’s why we have made it our mission to provide the best possible care for our patients. Contact us today for a consultation or to request an appointment with one of our geriatric doctors!

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